A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Starrenflonkering. Een bundel driestarren van wijlen Dr. A. Kuyper met een inleidend woord van Dr. H. Colijn.
Amsterdam, N.V. Dagblad en Drukkerij De Standaard 1932. XII, 324 pp., 25cm.—bd. ƒ3.90.
Published: September 1932.
Note, by the collector, dated: Amsterdam, February 1932.
2nd and 3rd printing also published in 1932.
RKB 223.
ET: Twinkling stars. A collection of asterisms by the late Dr. A. Kuyper with introductory remarks by Dr. H. Colijn.

A collection of 429 of Kuyper’s so-called driestar [three-star] commentaries, or asterisms (analogous to present-day columns; cf. 1958.02), from De Standaard. On the origin of the asterisms see 1872.02. The driestarren are organized in nine rubrics: party-formation and struggle over principles; social life; the school struggle; our royal house; general politics; the conservatives; the liberals; the peace movement, international law; and miscellaneous. H. Colijn wrote the foreword. The collection opens with an article Kuyper published on April 1, 1872, to introduce De Standaard to its readers. This article is also included in 1922.01, 1972.01, and 1998.03 (English translation, pp. 317–322). In a note the anonymous compiler of this collection (J.K. van Loon, archivist of De Standaard) mentions that Kuyper wrote more than 16,800 asterisms between 1872 and 1919.