A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: De Standaard. Jubileumnummer 1872–1922, p. 2.

In this special issue of De Standaard, two articles and two asterisms are reprinted. The first of the articles is the lead article from the first issue of De Standaard (April 1, 1872), which had introduced the paper to the public (see also 1932.08, and for an English translation, see 1998.03, pp. 317–322). The second is the final article that Kuyper wrote for De Standaard (48 [1919/1920], no. 14600, November 18, 1919). Entitled “Terugkeer tot onze betere usantiën” [Return to our better customs], the article deals with the course of the budgetary debate and the political support of the cabinet.

The first of Kuyper’s asterisms, on Groen van Prinsterer and the free church, is reprinted from De Standaard, no. 8, April 10, 1872 and the last of his asterisms—“Een journalistisch tragisch incident” [A journalistically tragic incident]—on Plemp van Duiveland’s departure from journalism, is reprinted from De Standaard 48 (1919/1920), no. 14626, December 18, 1919.