A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)
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This article was announced in 1871.10 (see note 23 on p. 66) and is a response to an article by Dr. A. Pierson (1831–1896) in De Gids 35 (= Series 3, vol. 9), part 2, June 1871 (pp. [453]–487), entitled “Een keerpunt in de wijsgerige ontwikkeling” [A turning point in the development of philosophy], which rejected the fashionable deterministic conception of the world. Pierson’s astonishing acknowledgment of a moral world order is the perel [pearl]. The schelp [shell] is his introductory empirical-dialectical argument, which does not accommodate the pearl and into which the pearl cannot be fitted without damage. Kuyper concludes that Dr. A. Pierson, while a modernist himself, points in a direction leading away from modernism.