A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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De schoolkwestie. I–VI.
Amsterdam, J.H. Kruyt 1875 (Amsterdam, Koninklijke Nederlandsche Stoomdrukkerij). 20cm.—ƒ0.10 each.
Run: 5,000.
Published: May–June 1875.
Cover title.
Subtitles on title page and cover.
On title page and cover of II–VI: (Overgedrukt uit “De Standaard.”).
For the greater part also included in: 1879.04.
The title (I–VI) was acquired by J.A. Wormser, Amsterdam, on January 3, 1887. On December 12, 1907, the title (1,085 copies, partly odd numbers) was put up for auction again and was acquired by J.H. Kok, Kampen.
RKB 53.
ET: The school question. I–VI.

Reprints, nearly all from De Standaard, published with an eye to the anticipated amendment of the school law (see 1875.04) and to the approaching parliamentary elections. These six uniformly published reprints appeared over the course of six weeks, as follows:

I. Naar aanleiding van het onderwijs-debat in de Kamer [With reference to the educational debate in the Chamber], 32 pp.
  • 1. “Redevoering van Dr. A. Kuyper in de zitting der Tweede Kamer van 7 December 1874 en gedeelten uit de algemene beraadslagingen en het debat” [Address by Abraham Kuyper in the December 7, 1874 session of the Second Chamber and selections from the general deliberations and the debate], taken from 1874.08.
  • 2. “Schoolwetswijziging” [Alteration of the school law], originally published in De Standaard, no. 830, December 10, 1874.
  • 3. “Concurrentiestelsel bij het lager onderwijs onhoudbaar!” [Competitive system in primary education is untenable!], taken from De Standaard, no. 835, December 16, 1874.
  • 4. “De opening der loopgraven” [The opening of the trenches], taken from De Standaard 4 (1875) no. 858, January 14, 1875.
  • 5. “De vlieg die des apothekers zalf stinkende maakt” [The fly that makes the pharmacist’s ointment stink], taken from De Standaard, no. 831, December 11, 1874.
  • 6. “Het onschuldig Lam” [The innocent lamb], taken from De Standaard, no. 832, December 12, 1874.
  • 7. “Den beste bedervend!” [Spoiling the best!], taken from De Standaard, no. 833, December 14, 1874.
II. De scherpe resolutie en Het decretum horribile [The severe resolution and The decretum horribile], 24 pp.
  • 1. “Het rechtsomkeert der liberalen in de Schoolkwestie” [The liberal’s about-face in the school question], taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 886, February 16, 1875.
  • 2. “Faraös antwoord” [Pharaoh’s answer], taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 888, February 18, 1875.
  • 3. “Is het zoo erg gemeend?” [Was it meant so badly?], taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 889, February 19, 1875.
  • 4. “Binnens- en buitenskamers” [Within and without the Parliament], taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 893, February 24, 1875.
  • 5. “De balans” [The balance], taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 895, February 26, 1875.
  • 6. “De rijke man en het ooilam” [The rich man and the ewe lamb], taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 896, February 27, 1875.
  • 7. “De scherpe resolutie” [The severe resolution], taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 900, March 4, 1875.
  • 8. “Het decretum horribile” [The decretum horribile], taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 901, March 5, 1875.
III. Grieven tegen de schoolwet en het geheim verraden [Grievances against the school law and the secret betrayed], 32 pp.
  • 1. “Grieven tegen de schoolwet” [Grievances against the school law].
  • 2. “Het concurrentiestelsel in zake Onderwijs” [The competitive system in education], taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 855, January 11, 1875.
  • 3. “Schoolinspectie” [School inspection], taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 857, January 13, 1875.
  • 4. “Een nog erger Cultuurstelsel” [An even worse agricultural system], taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 904, March 9, 1875.
  • 5. “Gedienstigheden der praktijk” [Practical accommodations], taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 906, March 11, 1875.
  • 6. “Het geheim verraden” [The secret betrayed].
  • 7. “Misrekening” [Miscalculation], taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 891, February 22, 1875.
  • 8. “Doel en middel” [Goal and means], taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 892, February 23, 1875.
  • 9. “Hoe de openbare school tegenviel!” [How public schooling fails expectations!], taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 914, March 20, 1875.
  • 10. “Bekentenissen van een ijlende!” [Confessions of a delirious person!], taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 915, March 22, 1875.
  • 11. “Is dit de volksschool achten?” [Is this respect for public schools?], taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 916, March 23, 1875.
  • 12. “Hoe men zichzelf verraadt!” [How they betray themselves!], taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 917, March 24, 1875.
  • 13. “Is er een nevenbedoeling?” [Is there an alternative significance?], taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 919, March 26, 1875.
IV. Het redmiddel [The way out], 24 pp.
  • 1. “Hoe is de christelijke school te redden?” [How can Christian schooling be saved?], taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 897, March 1, 1875.
  • 2. “Regel insteê van willekeur” [Rule instead of caprice], taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 898, March 2, 1875.
  • 3. “Restitutie” [Restitution], taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 899, March 3, 1875.
  • 4. “Een nieuwe waarschuwing” [A new warning], taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 903, March 8, 1875.
  • 5. “De gewetens-clausule” [The conscience clause], taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 905, March 10, 1875.
  • 6. “Eerbied voor de begrippen van andersdenkenden” [Respect for the perspectives of those who think differently], taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 907, March 12, 1875.
  • 7. “Waar voor zijn geld” [Value for one’s money], taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 912, March 18, 1875.
  • 8. “Waar het op aankomt” [What it comes down to], taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 918, March 25, 1875.
V. De schoolwet voor de vierschaar van Europa [The school law before the tribunal of Europe], 32 pp. (See also 1875.06.)
  • 1. “De volksschool misbruikt tot aanvalsgeschut tegen de Kerk” [Public schools are being misused as offensive artillery against the church], taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 887, February 17, 1875. (Not included in 1879.04).
  • 2. “Onze schoolwet voor de vierschaar van Europa” [Our school law before the tribunal of Europe].
    • (i) [Baden], taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 921, March 29/30, 1875.
    • (ii) [Zwitserland (Switzerland)], taken from De Standaard 4 (1975), no. 922, March 31, 1875.
    • (iii) [België, Rusland (Belgium, Russia)], taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 924, April 2, 1875.
    • (iv) [Wurtemberg, Saksen (Saxony), Hamburg, Oostenrijk (Austria)], taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 925, April 3, 1875.
    • (v) [Frankrijk (France), Pruisen (Prussia)], taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 926, April 5,1875.
    • (vi) [Engeland (England)], taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 927, April 6, 1875.
    • (vii) [Amerika (America), De Kaap (The Cape), Engelsch-Indië (British India)], taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 928, April 7, 1875.
  • 3. “De school zonder godsdienst” [The school without religion], taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 930, April 9, 1875.
  • 4. “Deugdelijk onderwijs bijzaak, bestrijding van het christelijk geloof hoofddoel!” [Sound instruction is a side issue; combating Christian faith is the main goal!]. Taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 932, April 12, 1875. (Not included in 1879.04.)
VI. Is het restitutiestelsel onuitvoerbaar? [Is the restitution system impracticable?], 31 pp.
  • 1. “Is het restitutiestelsel onuitvoerbaar?” [Is the restitution system impracticable?]
    • (i) Taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 938, April 19, 1875.
    • (ii) Taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 940, April 21, 1875.
    • (iii–vii) Taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 942, April 23, 1875–no. 946, April 28, 1875.
  • 2. “Een restitutiestelsel in de practijk” [A restitution system at work].
    • (i–iii) Taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 969, May 27, 1875–no. 971, May 29, 1875.
    • (Slot.) [Conclusion.] Taken from De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 972, May 31, 1875.