A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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[Parliamentary speeches.]
In: Verslag van de handelingen der Staten-Generaal. Zitting van 20 September 1875–16 September 1876. Bijblad tot de Nederlandsche Staats-courant. Verslag der handelingen van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal, gedurende het zittingjaar 1875–1876.
’s Gravenhage, Algemeene Landsdrukkerij 1876, pp. 278–280, 382–386, 392–393, 435–439, 441–442, 465–466, 488–490, 583–586, 609–612, 699–705, 729, 732, 767–768.
Published in parts.
Not included in 1890.06: pp. 278–280, 465–466, 488–490, 729, 732, 767–768.

Various speeches delivered in Parliament in 1875. On October 26, 1875, Kuyper clarified an amendment he had submitted concerning the construction of a railway (pp. 278–280). The amendment was significant for his electoral district of Gouda. On November 24, Kuyper explained his vote on a subject concerning railway companies (pp. 465–466). He spoke about the question of railway policy again on November 26 (pp. 488–490). On November 16 and 19, during discussions concerning the 1876 budget for the Dutch Indies, Kuyper delivered four speeches that dealt with education, mission, Islam, and the “opium lease,” among other things (pp. 382–442). Kuyper delivered three speeches on December 6, 7, and 13 about Chapter V (the State Department) of the national budget of 1876. These speeches dealt with, respectively, the electoral question (pp. 583–586), the relation between the Anti-Revolutionary movement and other political factions (pp. 609–612), and secondary education (pp. 699–705). On December 14, he spoke briefly twice about educational policy (p. 729 and p. 732). Kuyper’s final contribution to the parliamentary debate of this period took place during the December 16, 1875 session (pp. 767–768) and had to do with the payment of pastors’ salaries.

Due to serious overexertion, Kuyper left the country from February 3, 1876 to April 14, 1877. He resigned his membership in Parliament on July 1, 1877 (cf. 1877. 03).