A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

You can buy a printed edition of this book on the site of the publisher.


Ons program.”
Tweede druk.
Amsterdam, J.H. Kruyt 1880. XVIII, 493, [3] pp., 25cm.—unbd. ƒ3.50, bd. ƒ4.50.
Run: 1,100.
Published: July 1880.
Abridged edition of: 1879.04.
Preface dated: ’s Gravenhage, March 8, 1879; Amsterdam, June 18, 1880.
Translation (English), see: 2013.05, 2015{.01}
Next printing, see: 1892.26.
Binding: leather cloth; gold pressing on spine and boards; the front cover bears the same image of the Maid of Holland as appeared on the spine of 1879.04 (the image is also printed on the title page of this edition); binder’s mark glued to the paste-down, C. Meeuwis. Firma A. Beukhof, boekbinder, Amsterdam.
(RKB 60.)
ET, see: 1879.04

An abridged, discounted edition of 1879.04, which was published by the Central Committee of the Federation of Anti-Revolutionary Electoral Associations. In the preface to this second edition Kuyper refers to it as a “popular edition.” The appendices of the first edition were not included in order to make this edition as inexpensive as possible. The series of articles entitled Antirevolutionair óók in uw huisgezin (see 1880.07) was included along with an appendix on pages [405]–473, between sections 324 and 325, just prior to the conclusion. Also in this edition the section numbers 4, 15 and 16 are absent (see 1879.04).

The list of writings by Dr. A. Kuyper with which the 1879 edition closed has been updated and now numbers forty-seven publications.