A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

You can buy a printed edition of this book on the site of the publisher.


Guidance for Christian engagement in government. Grand Rapids—MI, CLP Academic, 2013, XXVI, 384 pp., 23cm.—$25.
New title.
Published: December 2013.
Translation of: 1880.05.
Republished: 2015{.01}.
Translated and edited by: Harry Van Dyke.
CLP: Christian’s Library Press (imprint of Acton Institute).
Binding: paperback.
ISBN: 978-1-938948-61-9.

A translation of the first abridged edition of “Ons program”, the political program of the Anti-Revolutionary Party and its foundations and implications, the very first modern and organized political party in The Netherlands, established on April 3, 1879.

The introduction by the translator/editor provides background information, summaries of Kuyper’s preface and Kuyper’s introduction, and an account of the editing method. The very few original footnotes have been maintained and added by about 280 new notes, including footnotes and additions found in the later printings and in the final edition (1892.26, 1898.23, 1907.22). Also important in this editorial apparatus is the improved crediting of sources.

For the sake of readability, stylistic alterations and some shortcuts were made without loss of arguments or the violation Kuyper’s ‘colorful prose’. Most of the original paragraph divisions have been retained. As in the Dutch edition, the section numbers 15 and 16 are passed over. However, according to the related original series of articles in De Standaard no actual sections are missing. Very likely in order to avoid confusion in quotations and references the mistake has not been rectified. The translator followed this policy. A revised general index concludes the translation.

The sixteen articles series, published in De Standaard of January/February 1880, Antirevolutionair óók in uw huisgezin [Antirevolutionary also in your household], (see 1880.05, pp. 405–473), is not included, however, according to a note on p. XXIII a separate English edition to be published in due time seems to be not unlikely.

The translator and editor Harry Van Dyke is a professor emeritus at Redeemer University, Hamilton, Ontario and also committed to the Abraham Kuyper Translation Society (see 2013.04, p. 247).