A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

You can buy a printed edition of this book on the site of the publisher.


Een drievoudige waarschuwing aan de gereformeerde christenheid bij het lezen van haar martelaarsboek.
In: Prospectus eener nieuwe uitgave met platen van de Geschiedenis der Martelaren.
Doesburg, J.C. van Schenk Brill [1881], pp. [1–4], 30cm.
Published: September 1881.
Full title of the book according to the prospectus: Geschiedenis der Martelaren die om de getuigenis der evangelische waarheid hun bloed gestort hebben; van Christus onzen Zaligmaker tot het jaar 1665; niet alleen in de Nederlanden maar ook in Frankrijk, Engeland, Schotland, Spanje, Italië, Duitschland, Amerika en andere landen. Met 80 à 84 platen. Vooraf gaat een woord ter aanbeveling van Dr. A. Kuyper.
Dated: Amsterdam, September 15, 1881.
See also: 1883.12.
ET: A threefold warning to Reformed Christendom when reading its book of martyrs.

At the publisher’s request Kuyper wrote this introduction to a new edition of the first Protestant martyrology, which had been composed by Adriaan van Haemstede (1525–1562) and originally printed in the Netherlands in 1559. This new edition reprinted the improved edition of 1671.

In the introduction Kuyper cautions the readers of the work. First, he asserts that only the martyrology by Adriaan van Haemstede is a truly Reformed book of martyrs. Second, he warns that the martyrology must not lead to the veneration of the martyrs, because they endured their trials not by the power of their own blood, but by the blood of the Lamb. Third, he cautions that the book might testify on the day of judgment against readers who have lacked courage, enthusiasm, or holy intentions. Kuyper writes: “Now that Reformed life is beginning to be awakened among us again by the special grace of God may an end also come to spiritually deadening cowardice.”

Kuyper’s introduction to Van Haemstede’s martyrology was printed in two columns in a prospectus and delivered with the first installment (48 pp.). The introduction was subsequently reset, reprinted, and added to the twenty-first and final installment, which was published at the end of 1883.