A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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[Untitled part of a report.]
[S.l., s.n., 1886.] [12] pp., 34cm.
Dated: Amsterdam, October 1886.
Single columns.
Printed but not published.
See also: 1886.25.

This item contains, with some alterations, the text of section 3 (pp. 3–16) of the handwritten report (32 pp., preserved in Kuyper’s own handwriting [KA 182 inv. no. 36]) “Aan de leden van den Amsterdamschen Kerkeraad, die op 24 September j.l. door de Synodus Contracta gevonnisd zijn en thans in revisie wenschen te gaan” [To the members of the Amsterdam Consistory, who were sentenced last September 24 by the Synodus Contracta and now wish to lodge appeals]. The report of a commission appointed during a meeting on October 10, 1886 of the seventy-five suspended members of the Amsterdam Consistory gives advice about how to begin preparing for the anticipated final decision of the synod. The commission was composed of two pastors and four elders, Kuyper among them. The commission was also asked to compose a declaration by which office holders could give an account of their actions suitable for publication in case of expulsion by the synod.

This untitled part of a report includes the wished-for declaration. It deals with the significance of the consistory members’ removal from office and states that a sentence of dismissal from an unfaithful synod cannot signify that the office holders have been removed from their office and dismissed from their official duties by Jesus, the king of the church. The office holders should therefore not accept the anticipated verdict of the synod. The paragraph was dated Amsterdam, December 8, 1886, and its declaration was published, with some amendments, as the third and final item in 1886.25.