A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Afwerping van het juk der synodale hiërarchie. I. Bekendmaking van den Amsterdamschen Kerkeraad. II. Bericht van reformatie. III. Verklaring der ontzette kerkeraadsleden. Ten dienste van den Kerkeraad gesteld door Dr. A. Kuyper.
Amsterdam, J.A. Wormser 1886 (Amsterdam, Roeloffzen & Hübner). 19 pp., 24cm.—ƒ0.15.
Published: December 1886.
On title page and cover: Ik heb de disselboomen van uw juk verbroken. Lev. XXVI:13.
The title (500 copies) was put up for auction and acquired by J.H. Kok, Kampen, on December 12, 1907.
RKB 93.
ET: Throwing off the yoke of the synodical hierarchy. I. Proclamation of the Amsterdam Consistory. II. Notice of reformation. III. Declaration of the expelled consistory members. Composed for the use of the consistory by Dr. A. Kuyper.

On December 1, 1886, the General Synod of the Dutch Reformed Church confirmed the sentence of dismissal passed by the Provincial Church Administration of North Holland. After this decision by the General Synod, Kuyper published three papers for the benefit of the consistory and the congregation at Amsterdam. These documents were joined together and published as a single unit.

I. “Nederduitsche Gereformeerde Kerk (doleerende)” [Dutch Reformed Church (doleerende)], dated Amsterdam, December 16, 1886 and signed by P. van Son, chairman, and H.W. van Loon, clerk. This document announces that the Consistory of Amsterdam is throwing off the yoke of synodical hierarchy, bringing back the church order of Dordt, and adopting the previous form of the name of the Dutch Reformed Church, the Nederduitsche Gereformeerde Kerk. (See for doleren a.o. De Heraut, no. 528, February 5, 1888; also included in Maandblad van de Evangelisten der Ned. Ver. van Vrienden der Waarheid, enz. 11 [1887/1888], no. 6, March 1888). The brochure also announces that church services will be held again beginning Sunday, December 19, 1886 (cf. 1886.14) and that it will soon be possible to make voluntary pledges to the church. The paper also advises its readers to read the next two documents.

II. “Bericht van reformatie” [Notice of reformation], dated Amsterdam, December 16, 1886 and signed by P. van Son, chairman, and H.W. van Loon, clerk. This report sets out in six points the causes and the consequences of the present situation in the Amsterdam congregation and concludes with an appeal to break ties with the synodical hierarchy and cease all financial contributions to the state church.

III. “Verklaring van de ‘ontzette’ kerkeraadsleden” [Declaration of the “expelled” consistory members], dated Amsterdam, December 8, 1886 and signed by P. van Son (cf. 1873.07), J. Bechthold, and W.F. Buré. In nine paragraphs this document clarifies and justifies the position of the seventy-five members of the Consistory of Amsterdam who had been removed from office. The paper expresses the suspended members’ conviction that Jesus, the king of the church, has not removed them from their offices and that they therefore have not been released from carrying out their official duties. The text of this account is identical to 1886.19 apart from minor changes such as the division of the document into nine paragraphs and a new dating.