A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Instructiën voor moderatoren, consulenten en agenten op last van het Gereformeerd Kerkelijk Congres vastgesteld.
[S.l., s.n. 1887] (Amsterdam, Koninklijke Nederlandsche Stoomdrukkerij). [12] pp., 23cm.
Printed: February 1887.
Printed but not published.
See also: 1887.19.
ET: Instructions for moderators, consultants, and agents recorded at the request of the Reformed Church Congress.

This brochure contains three sets of instructions.

Instructions for moderators. A moderator was appointed in each classis to organize the delegations of the churches in the classis, to motivate consistories to free themselves from the synodical hierarchy, and (in churches where the consistory did not wish to free itself from the synod) to find agents to unite church members who were inclined toward reformation and to begin to collect lists of such members.

Instructions for consultants. The task of a consultant was to serve as pastor and to administer the sacraments to vacant congregations that wanted to free themselves from the synod.

Instructions for agents. An agent was a local co-worker of a moderator charged with ensuring that members of the church in his place of residence who wanted to break with the synod signed the collection list.

Moderators, consultants, and agents regularly reported to the Committee of the Congress. It was their responsibility to advance the reformation of the church in part by preparing church officers and congregants to participate in the upcoming Classical Convention and Synodical Convention. Each of these three sets of instructions is signed in the name of the Committee of the Congress by Dr. A. Kuyper, chairman, P. van Son, vice chairman, Dr. J. Woltjer, secretary, and W. Hovy, treasurer. The instructions were not published publicly and could only be consulted under the conditions referred to in 1887.10 (see, however, 1887.19).