A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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[Letter to the editor.]
In: Kerkelijke Courant. Weekblad voor de Nederlandsche Hervormde Kerk 1887, no. 24, June 11, 1887.
Dated: Amsterdam, June 4, 1887.

A letter to the editor concerning an editorial from the Nieuwe Sprokkelaar that the Kerkelijke Courant reprinted. The article charged that what Kuyper had written in 1869 (see 1869.13) about the rhymed setting of the psalms by P. Dathenus (1531/1532–1588) contradicted what Kuyper later wrote about the setting. This contradiction could only be explained if Kuyper had written the first article prior to his conversion to orthodoxy.

In his letter to the editor, which was also published in De Heraut, no. 495, June 19, 1887 (cf. RKB 6), Kuyper refutes this allegation at length. The editor of the non-official section of the Kerkelijke Courant was the Leiden professor M.A. Gooszen (1837–1916). This piece provides at once some autobiographical details about Kuyper and some information about the publication date of the second contribution in 1869.13.

The Nieuwe Sprokkelaar was an Anti-Revolutionary weekly that opposed both the Doleantie and Kuyper. The editor published fragments of Kuyper’s letter in an editorial titled “Als altijd gelijk” [As always right]. The editorial appeared in the issue of June 17, 1887 (volume 1).