A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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[1] De eerste kerkvergaderingen of de vestiging onzer Hervormde Kerk, en de strijd om haar zelfstandig bestaan. [2] De eeredienst der Hervormde Kerk en de zamenstelling van haar kerkboek.
In: Geschiedenis der Christelijke Kerk in Nederland, in tafereelen. Tweede en laatste deel. Onder redactie van B. ter Haar en W. Moll.
Amsterdam, G. Portielje & Zoon 1869, pp. [71]–86, [87]–113.
Published in parts.
1st sketch, see: pp. [71]–86.
2nd sketch, see: pp. [87]–113.
Translation (English), see 2015{.03}
RKB 6.
ET: [1] The first gatherings or the establishment of our Reformed Church, and the struggle for her independence. [2] The service of worship in the Reformed Church and the composition of her service book.

The first contribution is the fifth sketch in the Geschiedenis der Christelijke Kerk in Nederland, in tafereelen. Tweede en laatste deel [The history of the Christian church in the Netherlands, in sketches: Second and final volume], which was published collectively in two volumes and separately in forty-one parts. The sketch describes in popular fashion the beginnings of the Dutch Reformed Church in refugee congregations abroad (cf. 1871.05), narrating its rise and organization, free from government interference, in the Netherlands up to the Synod of Dordrecht (1618/1819).

Although both volumes contain illustrations (for the engravers see 1870.17) and Kuyper had sent an illustration to the publisher, his first sketch was published without illustrations. This sketch, written in Beesd, was published as a part in, or more likely before, 1867.

The second contribution (pp. [87]–113), the sixth sketch in volume two of the Geschiedenis der Christelijke Kerk in Nederland, deals with the formation of the liturgy and the composition of the prayer book of the sixteenth-century Reformed Church in the Netherlands. It starts with the refugee congregation at London, giving a vivid sketch of early Reformed religious life. Kuyper stated in a letter to the editor (see 1887.22) that he had already written this sketch in 1864. However, Kuyper’s memory of dates sometimes proved inaccurate (cf. 1879.11).

Volume two (containing thirteen parts) was published in May 1869. However, in September 1864 the publisher had announced in the twenty-eighth and final installment of the first volume that the second volume would be completed in 1865. It is rather difficult to date the publication in parts of the individual sketches in these volumes. No separate parts have been traced but very likely both sketches were composed during Kuyper’s ministry in Beesd (1863–1867).