A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Revisie der revisie-legende. Met bijlagen. (Voorafgaat een “Publyck epistel,” met twee annexen, aan Dr. J.J. van Toorenenbergen.)
Amsterdam, J.H. Kruyt 1879 (Amsterdam. Kon. Ned. Stoomdrukkerij). 170 pp., 25cm.—ƒ1.40.
Run: 550.
Published: December 1879.
Open letter, pp. [7]–42, dated: ’s Gravenhage, October 23, 1879.
Postscript, pp. 42–43, dated: Amsterdam, December 10, 1879.
The title (number unknown) was acquired by J.A. Wormser, Amsterdam, on January 3, 1887. On December 12, 1907, the title (13 copies) was put up for auction again and acquired by J.H. Kok, Kampen.
RKB 62.
ET: Revision of the revision legend. With supplementary documents. (Precedes a “Public epistle,” with two appendices, to Dr. J.J. van Toorenenbergen.)

This brochure concerning the polemical exchange between Kuyper and Van Toorenenbergen is introduced by an open letter criticizing the latter’s brochure Hoe een deel der Dordtsche nalatenschap verzaakt werd. Een woord van tegenweer (Rotterdam, 1879), which had been written in response to 1879.05. The open letter also gives some insight both into Kuyper’s long acquaintance with Van Toorenenbergen and into his attitude toward ethical-irenical theologians in general. The letter is followed by a strictly-content related reaction to Van Toorenenbergen’s brochure.

Next is included (pp. [56]–68) the text of a lecture that Kuyper had delivered to a gathering of the Association of Dutch Reformed Pastors in 1870 (not 1869 as is mistakenly and repeatedly stated in the brochure). That lecture had itself been prompted by a lecture given in 1868, on a meeting of the pastors’ association, by Van Toorenenbergen, who had been chairman of the association since its founding in 1862. The heading of Kuyper’s lecture is “Referaat over de belijdenis” [Lecture on the confession]. According to W.F. Dankbaar in Onbekrompen en ondubbelzinnig (’s Gravenhage, 1962, p. 23 of the appendix) the subject of Kuyper’s lecture was “Wat leert ons de geschiedenis van het ontstaan en de vroegste bewaring en handhaving van eene confessie omtrent haar wettig en naar de echte kerkelijke begrippen ingericht gebruik?” [What does the history of the origin and earliest conservation and preservation of a confession teach us about its use both legally and as instituted according to church standards?].

In 1879 members of the recently established Association for Higher Education on Reformed Principles (see 1878.10) began to express renewed interest in the confessional issues raised by the polemic in Kuyper’s lecture of 1870 about being bound to the confession. This discussion led consequently to the series of fifteen articles, first printed in De Heraut under the title Revisie der formulieren van eenigheid [Revision to the forms of unity] (cf. 1891.07), that are included in this brochure after Kuyper’s 1870 lecture. Each of the first eleven articles (reprinted from De Heraut, no. 68, March 30, 1879–no. 79, June 15, 1879) has been given a subtitle. The final four articles (reprinted from De Heraut, no. 80, June 22, 1879–no. 84, July 20, 1879) contain documents related to the Synod of Dordt.

This brochure signaled the conclusion of the polemical exchange between Van Toorenenbergen and Kuyper (see 1879.02, 1879.03, and 1879.05).