A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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De verborgene dingen voor den Heere onzen God.
(Uit de diepte. Leerredenen door de predikanten der Nederduitsche Gereformeerde Kerk (doleerende): XIII/XIV).
Amsterdam, J.A. Wormser 1887 [P. Groenendijk], pp. [178]–208, 20cm.—ƒ0.15.
Run: 8,000.
Published: September 1887.
Double issue.
Published in parts.
RKB 103.
ET: The hidden things of the Lord our God.

This sermon deals with a phrase from Moses’ farewell address, “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the revealed things belong to us and to our children” (Deuteronomy 29:29). After the introduction, the sermon unfolds in three points, explicating what this admonition signifies about our knowledge of God, God’s will, and God’s decree. The sermon cautions against the inclination to intrude into the divine world, the spiritual world of angels and the deceased, and the secrets of a fellow human’s heart. Kuyper also cautions against asking questions about the relation between divine providence and human responsibility and he warns his listeners not to neglect the revealed knowledge of God.

Kuyper uses figurative language to communicate his points, comparing, for example, his congregants to sailors rowing with their backs to their destination, which only the helmsman can see. While defending the hiddenness of the divine decree, he condemns as morbid, unscriptural, and non-confessional those sermons that incite curiosity about the mystery of divine election.

The sermon was delivered on September 4, 1887 at the Maison Stroucken in Amsterdam and was included, like 1886.14, in a double issue of the series Uit de diepte (volume 2, which ran from July 1, 1887 to June 30, 1888). For additional sermons by Kuyper in this series, see also 1886.14 and 1887.08.