A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Een ziel, die zich neerbuigt. Inleiding van het Congres op dinsdag, 11 Januari 1887, voorm. 11 uur.
In: Neemt mijn juk op u. De vier toespraken bij de opening der zittingen van het Gereformeerd Kerkelijk Congres, op 11, 12, 13 en 14 januari gehouden door Dr. A. Kuyper, P. van Son, C.A. Renier en Dr. F.L. Rutgers. (Uit de diepte. Leerredenen door de predikanten der Nederduitsche Gereformeerde Kerk van Amsterdam (doleerende) en hun trouwe medebroeders in de “lokalen” gehouden: XXXI/XXXII).
Amsterdam, J.A. Wormser 1887 (P. Groenendijk), pp. [491]–499.
Published: February 1887.
Double issue.
See also: 1936.04, pp. 156–164.
RKB 95.
ET: The soul that is cast down. Introductory address at the congress on Tuesday, January 11, 1887 at 11 am

These reflections constitute Kuyper’s introduction to the Reformed Church Congress in Amsterdam (see 1887.01). The homily was the first of four delivered during the morning prayers that were held daily during the four days of congressional meetings. All four sermons were reprinted in this double issue of the sermon series Uit de diepte (see 1886.14).

The reflections begin with a reading of Psalm 42 and end with the words of Psalm 130. Kuyper stresses that though liberation from the yoke of the synod cannot be a cause for jubilation because only nine churches had so far entered into Doleantie, it is appropriate to give thanks for the little cloud of churches, no bigger than a person’s hand, that comprise the current movement. The participants in the congress are called upon humbly to acknowledge that Reformed Christians past and present have fallen short of fulfilling their responsibility to God and the church. The congress may be judged a success, Kuyper contends, only when the congress seeks reconciliation after so much unfaithfulness and guilt, hoping for divine redemption.

For additional sermons by Kuyper in this series, see 1886.14 and 1887.31.