A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: Doleantie-stemmen. Bijeengebracht door J.C. Rullmann.
Kampen, J.H. Kok 1936, pp. [38]–42, 139–144, 156–164, 167–168.
Published: January 1936.

There are four complete items by Kuyper among the twenty historical items in this collection, which was published on the fiftieth anniversary of the Doleantie. The first item (on pp. [38]–42) is the lead article from De Standaard 14 (1885), no. 4220, December 16, 1885, entitled “Protestantsch beginsel” [The Protestant principle]. The Protestant principle—which, according to Kuyper, requires that all obedience between human beings must find its limit in obedience to God’s Word—had emerged as a subject of discussion during the conflict between the Amsterdam consistory and the synodical hierarchy. Also included in the collection is the article described in 1886.23, reprinted from De Heraut, no. 467, December 5, 1886.

The homily (see 1887.08) is printed on pages 156–164 and the resolution (see 1887.03) is printed on pages 167–168. In addition, the book reproduces (pp. [49]–52) most of the article “Daden van geweld” [Acts of violence] from De Standaard, no. 4237, January 8, 1886. In this article Kuyper describes the incidents surrounding the forcible entry into the consistory chamber of the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam. Finally, the collection (which had a print run of 2,000 copies) reprints the majority of Kuyper’s introductory remarks to 1886.14 (pp. 108–112).