A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

You can buy a printed edition of this book on the site of the publisher.


Laatste woord tot de conscientie van de leden der Synode door de vervolgde leden van den Kerkeraad van Amsterdam.
Goedkope uitgave. Tweede druk.
Amsterdam, J.A. Wormser 1886 (P. Groenendijk). 28, [4] pp., 20cm.—ƒ0.10 (25 copies ƒ2.-; 50 copies ƒ3.50; 100 copies ƒ6.-).
Published: December 1886.
On title page and cover: “Tot de wet en de getuigenis! Zoo zij niet spreken naar dit Woord, het zal zijn, dat zij geen dageraad zullen hebben!” Jesaja 8:20. “Ik toch heb mijnen Koning gezalfd over Sion, den berg mijner heiligheid!” Psalm 2:6.
Cheap edition of: 1886.21.
2nd, cheap, printing (tweede, goedkope, uitgave) published: December 1886.
The title (807 copies) was put up for auction and acquired by J.H. Kok, Kampen, on December 12, 1907.
(RKB 92.)
ET: Final word to the conscience of the members of the synod by the prosecuted members of the Consistory of Amsterdam.

This edition, published for the purpose of mass distribution, has a smaller format and typeface. Kuyper appended an article from De Heraut, no. 467, December 5, 1886 (pp. [24]–28) to make it clear that he did not intend to remain “fixated” on the question of attestations (cf. 1886.01) and administrative matters (see also 1936.04, pp. 139–144). This article was published in De Heraut after the General Synod of the Dutch Reformed Church had confirmed the sentence of dismissal (cf. 1886.25).

The second printing of this cheap edition appeared approximately one week after the first. At least 7,000 copies of the cheap edition were printed.