A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: Amsterdamsche Kerkbode. Officieel orgaan van de Nederduitsche Gereformeerde Kerk (doleerende) 2 (1888), no. 71, June 10, 1888.
Dated: Amsterdam, June 8, 1888.

This article announces the dissolution of the commission that the Consistory of the Dutch Reformed Church (doleerende) of Amsterdam had established to oversee the schools (cf. 1887.30). The commission would turn over its duties and its materials to the soon-to-be-established school board. Two members of the consistory had already been selected to serve on the board. They would be joined by two deacons, and the parents of school children would elect two members for the board from the financial contributors to the schools. Furthermore, after the annual meeting of the Association “The Church Treasury” (see 1887.07) and the installation of a new school board, the previous commission’s provisional regulations for the five schools would be replaced by a more definitive set of regulations.

At the time of this article’s publication, there were already 1,600 children enrolled at five schools. The new schools had experienced some financial difficulties. A shortfall of ƒ4,000 had been reported by January and a circular letter (dated Amsterdam, June 1, 1888) with a subscription card had been sent out to resolve this debt.