A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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[Three reports.]
In: Handelingen van de Synode der Christelijke Gereformeerde Kerk in Nederland, (voortzetting der Synode te Assen,) gehouden te Kampen van 15–18 Januari 1889.
Leiden, D. Donner 1889 (Leiden, Boekdrukkerij van D. Donner), pp. 6–7, 8, 56–58.
Published: February 1889.
See also: 1988.01.

Three brief reports in the proceedings of the continued Synod of the Christian Reformed Church in the Netherlands, which was held in the Burgwalkerk in Kampen January 15–18, 1889. The first report (pp. 6–7) has to do with what Kuyper said on November 22, 1888 when he submitted the printed copy of the Concept-Acte van ineensmelting der Kerken, te Utrecht en te Assen dit jaar synodaal samengekomen [Draft act for fusing the churches meeting in synod this year at Utrecht and Assen]. Kuyper submitted this report on behalf of the delegates from the dolerende churches who had been asked to negotiate with their counterparts in the Christian Reformed Church and, if possible, to design an act of fusion between the churches. Kuyper later admitted in retrospect that the report had been submitted somewhat prematurely (see 1889.04).

The second report (p. 8) relates to a presentation to the synod about the meeting of the reciprocal delegates at Utrecht on December 13, 1888. After the amendments to the draft act submitted by the delegates from the Christian Reformed Church had been incorporated (with a few small changes), both sides accepted the draft act.

The third report (pp. 56–58) concerns Kuyper’s address to the Synod of the Christian Reformed Church in the Burgwalkerk in Kampen on January 18, 1889. Kuyper and Dr. W. van den Bergh both tried in vain to move the synod to accept the draft act by clarifying the apparent points of contention.