A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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[Two reports.]
In: Acta der Voorloopige Synode van Nederduitsche Gereformeerde Kerken, gehouden te Utrecht 1889. Tweede gedeelte.
Amsterdam, J.A. Wormser 1889 (Amsterdam, Ellerman & Co.), pp. 89–91, 108–114.
Published: March 1889.
See also: 1985.02.
1st part of the Acta, see: 1888.10.

F.L. Rutgers turned in the draft act of fusion (see 1889.03) at the meeting of the extended synod held in Utrecht on January 16–23, 1889. Kuyper subsequently stated (see the conclusion of Article 123 [p. 89] in the Acta) that the deputies had gone beyond their mandate and exceeded their authority when they submitted this draft act and that it therefore lacked any official status. See also Articles 124 and 128 (pp. 90, 91) of the Acta. Article 169 (pp. 108–114) contains the Synod’s amended version of the report that Kuyper had drawn up with the assistance of Rutgers concerning the admission of those with singular gifts to the preaching office (see 1889.01).