A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: Acta van het Synodaal Convent (1887) en van de Voorlopige Synoden van de Nederduitsche Gereformeerde Kerken (1888–1892) met bijlagen en registers.
Leusden, Algemeen Secretariaat Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland 1985 (Kampen, J.H. Kok), pp. 113, 130–131, 187–189, 206–212, 317; 337–338, 349–352, 410–413, 415–416, 419–421, 458–259 (= 459); 619–621, 646, 664–666, 731–733, 745–747, [777]–794.
Appendices (pp. 410–413, 415–416), see: 1891.09.
Documents (pp. 731–733, 745–747, [777]–794), see: 1887.01; 1887.04.
(ISBN: 90-242-4047-6.)

The proceedings of the Synodical Convention (cf. 1887.32), the First Provisional Synod (cf. 1888.10, 1889.04), the Second Provisional Synod (cf. 1890.14), the Third Provisional Synod (cf. 1891.13), and the Fourth Provisional Synod—as well as the acts of the General Synod of the Reformed Churches in The Netherlands (cf. 1892.18)—are photomechanically republished in this volume. The page numbers at the top of the pages are identical to the page numbers in the original editions, whereas the page numbers at bottom are continuous.

The reports, actions, and acts of the national synodical meetings of the churches that sprang from the Doleantie were republished in the lead-up to the centennial (1886–1986) of the Doleantie. Put together in cooperation with the source editions study group of the Memorial Commission 1834–1886–1892 [Secession—Doleantie—Union], the work covers the period from 1886 to 1892. 1988.01 contains similar sorts of documents dealing with the period 1872–1892. That edition was also edited by the source editions study group.