A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Bijlage A.—Bijlage C.
In: Aan de Voorloopige Synode van Nederduitsche Gereformeerde Kerken, vergaderd te ’s Gravenhage.
[S.l., s.n. 1891], pp. [9]–11, 14–15, 28cm.
Printed: September 1891.
Printed but not published.
Dated: (appendix A) ’s Gravenhage, September 9, 1890; (appendix C) ’s Gravenhage, September 11, 1891.

Two appendices out of five attached to the report of the commission charged with consultation and recommendation on the merger proposal on behalf of the Dutch Reformed Churches and the Christian Reformed Church. Appendix A contains a request to the Christian Reformed deputies for additional information about several points in the proposal from their synod. The Synod of the Christian Reformed Church had put aside the draft act of fusion (see 1889.04 and 1890.09) and proposed to carry forth deliberations on the basis of the confessional standards and the Church Order of Dordt. A copy of the request is written in the hand of F.L. Rutgers and signed “A. Kuyper” (HUA 55/230).

Appendix C contains the elated response to the reply received from the Christian Reformed deputies. The response seeks greater detail and specificity by posing three follow-up questions to the deputies’ reply. The item concludes by giving assurances that the commission would do its utmost “to further the matter of the union as earnestly as possible” in its report to the synod. A copy of this response is written in the hand of Kuyper and signed “Kuyper” (HUA 55/230).

Both items are signed by Kuyper, who was not only the chairman of the third provisional synod (The Hague, 1891), but also a member of the aforementioned commission. The consultations between the commission and the deputies for the Christian Reformed Synod were carried out in writing. After the synod had approved the commission’s report and received it together with an accompanying letter (dated September 15, 1891) and several appendices, the report was sent to all the consistories.

Subsequently appendices A and C were published in several church newsletters—for example, in De Geldersche Kerkbode 4 (1891/1892), no. 137, September 19, 1891 (app. A) and no. 138, September 26, 1891 (app. C).