A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Inleidend woord op deze nieuwe uitgave.
In: Verklaring der Nederlandsche Geloofsbelijdenis van Ds. A. Rotterdam. Op nieuw uitgegeven, en bij ons kerkelijk publiek ingeleid door Dr. A. Kuyper.
Rotterdam, Gebroeders Huge 1890, pp. [V]–XVI.
Published: September 1890.
Introduction dated: Amsterdam, June 15, 1890.
2nd edition, see: 1900.21.
Introduction, see also: 1929.04 (pp. 315–322).
RKB 119.
ET: Introductory remark to this new edition.

The introduction begins by relating the origins and purpose of this practical interpretation of the Belgic Confession. An annotated and ostensibly exhaustive list of all previous interpretations of the Belgic Confession follows, showing that the number of such works is considerably smaller than is the case with the Heidelberg Catechism. Kuyper opines that a historical-dogmatic interpretation of the Belgic Confession should also be written. Finally, he sets out the difference between a catechism and a confession and also between the Bible and a confession.

The introductory remarks were written at the request of the publisher. The language and the spelling of the original edition from 1755 (vol. 1) and 1758 (vol. 2) have been left unchanged. The two volumes of the original edition have been combined in this edition. On page [1], a second title page has been included with the original title printed on it: Zions roem en sterkte, ofte verklaaring van de zeevenendertig artikelen der Nederlandsche Geloofsbelydenis. Vooraf gaat een historisch-berigt, nopens de belydenis en geloofshervorming in de Nederlanden door Arnoldus Rotterdam [Zion’s glory and strength, or the explanation of the thirty-seven articles of the Dutch Confession of Faith. Preceded by a historical report concerning the confession and the reformation of the faith in the Netherlands by Arnoldus Rotterdam]. Hence the added half-title Zions roem en sterkte [Zion’s glory and strength].