A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Onze gedragslijn bij de Stembus van 1891. (Overgedrukt uit “De Standaard.”)
[S.l., s.n. 1891.] 40 pp., 22cm.
Printed: March 1891.
On title page and cover: Niet in den handel.
Printed but not published.
RKB 124.
ET: Our course of action at the ballot box of 1891. (Reprinted from De Standaard.)

This brochure contains the provisional draft of the political platform of the Anti-Revolutionary Party, dated Amsterdam, March 23, 1891. The draft (see also 1940.03, pp. 20–21), which is signed by T.A.J. van Asch van Wijck, sets out the party line in nine points, which were to be followed in the campaign for the Second Chamber elections on June 9, 1891. It also charts the political course of the Anti-Revolutionary Party for the coming years. The final text would be settled upon at the meeting of delegates in Utrecht on May 12, 1891 (see 1891.05).

The brochure also reprints the nine explanatory lead articles (in ten chapters) that had recently been published in De Standaard as Onze gedragslijn I–IX. Subtitles have been added to these articles and the eighth article has been split into two parts. Originally published every other day, the articles relate to the following issues: “De grondwetsherziening” [Revision of the constitution] (De Standaard 20, no. 5844, March 30, 1891); “Voortgezette strijd tegen liberalistische tyrannie” [The continued struggle against liberal tyranny] (no. 5845, April 1, 1891); “Kiesrecht” [The franchise] (no. 5847, April 3, 1891); “Godsdienstvrede” [Religious peace] (no. 5849, April 6, 1891); “Onderwijs” [Education] (no. 5851, April 8, 1891); “Kamers van landbouw en arbeid” [The chambers of agriculture and labor] (no. 5853, April 10, 1891); “De schatkist” [The treasury] (no. 5855, April 13, 1891); “Tegen het militairisme” [Against militarism] and “Rechtspraak” [Jurisprudence] (no. 5857, April 15, 1891); and “Our colonies” [Our colonies] (no. 5859, April 17, 1891).