A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: Kuyper-bibliografie door J.C. Rullmann. Deel III (1891–1932).
Kampen, J.H. Kok 1940, pp. 6–17, 20–22, 25–28, 36–44, 47–56, 59–63, 72–77, 93–97, 101–114, 126–127, 133–137, 140–143, 148–151, 172–175, 183–197, 204–207, 211–213, 217–219, 225–227, 243–245, 252–254, 261–265, 270–276, 285, 290–295, 312–321, 332–335, 366–375, 378–380, 411–415, 421–426, 428–430, 432–434, 439–442, 453–457, 459–462.
Published: December 1940.
RKB I–II, see: 1923.07; 1929.04.
RKB I–III, see: app. 2.03, app. 2.04, app. 2.05.

The third volume of Rullmann’s bibliography includes numerous complete texts as well as extensive citations from Kuyper’s writings. In fact, this volume contains considerably more texts than Rullmann had reproduced in the previous two volumes. What follows is a list of items reprinted in the third volume, preceded by their corresponding page numbers:

6–15 Introduction to 1892.06
15–17 Kuyper’s announcement of the edition of 1892.06
20–21 Provisional draft published in 1891.03
22 Asterism “Agendum voor onze kiezers op 9 Juni” [Agenda for our voters on June 9] from De Standaard 20 (1891), no. 5901, June 3, 1891
25–27 Lead article “Sociaal Congres” [Social Congress] from De Standaard 20 (1891), no. 6031, November 6, 1891
28 Asterism “Sociaal Congres” from De Standaard 20 (1891), no. 6033, November 9, 1891
36–39 Asterism “Uylenspiegel op de kaak” [Uylenspiegel exposed] from De Standaard 20 (1891), no. 6041, November 18, 1891, followed by the asterism “Patrimonium en het Congres” [Patrimonium and the Congress] from De Standaard 20 (1891), no. 6046, November 24, 1891
40–41 Preface to 1891.16
41–44 Article “De grond” [The foundation] on a question arising from 1891.16 about the relation between baptism and regeneration, reproduced from De Heraut, no. 980, October 4, 1896
47–48 Article from De Heraut, no. 751, May 15, 1892 about Nietzsche on the occasion of the publication of Also sprach Zarathustra
49–52 Article from De Heraut, no. 803, May 14, 1893 that responds to criticism of 1892.21
53–54 Announcement of a special offer (the premium copies) for 1892.17, from De Heraut, no. 700, May 24, 1891
54–56 Foreword to 1892.17
59–60 Foreword to 1893.08
60–63 Devotion from 1893.08 (on Ps. 103:15), first published in De Heraut, no. 764, August 14, 1892, after the death of Kuyper’s youngest child
72–75 Reaction in response to criticism of 1894.01, from De Heraut, no. 926, September 22, 1895
75–77 Response mentioned in 1896.04
93–97 Lead article, dated Amsterdam, January 19, 1895, from De Standaard 24 (1895), no. 7016, January 21, 1895 (this was Kuyper’s first lead article after returning from a six-month absence due to illness)
101–104 Theses, from De Standaard 24 (1895), no. 7120, May 23, 1895, with which Kuyper summarized 1895.23
105–114 Article “Baken op de kust” [Beacon on the beach], which includes 1895.22, from De Heraut, no. 941, January 5, 1896
126–127 A recapping of the Synod of Middelburg (1896) from the front page of De Heraut, no. 977, September 13, 1896
133–134 Draft program in 1897.04
135–136 Reprint of 1897.07
137 Reprint of 1897.12
140–143 Two devotions (on 2Kings 5:2 and 1Timothy 1:15) from 1897.17
148–151 Introduction to the series of 1898.14
172–175 Article “De aeolus-harp” [The aeolian harp] from De Heraut, no. 1064, May 15, 1898
183–186 Concluding article from the series Uit het kerkelijk leven [From church life] (De Heraut, no. 1105, February 26, 1899), reproduced from 1899.15
187–191 Dutch translation of 1899.23
192 Foreword to 1899.32
193–197 The first devotion (on Genesis 1:1) from 1899.32
204–207 Article “De evolutie in nieuwe banen” [Evolution on new trajectories] from De Heraut, no. 1267, April 13, 1902 (cited in the context of the description of 1899.29)
211–213 Reprint of 1899.11
217–219 Dutch translation of 1899.26
225–227 Foreword to 1901.04
243–245 Asterism “Uitvlucht” [Pretext] from De Standaard 30 (1901), no. 8983, July 4, 1901
252–254 Foreword to 1902.13
261–264 A devotion (on 2Corinthians 5:4) from 1902.17
264–265 Preface to 1902.17
270–276 Report of the speech from 1904.18
285 Telegram described in 1903.07
290–291 Foreword to 1904.08
292–295 A devotion (on Luke 2:14) from 1904.08
312–316 Preface to 1907.21
316–320 The meditation (on Psalm 73:28) from which 1908.21 received its title
320–321 Preface to 1908.21
332–335 Reprint of 1907.17
366–372 Introduction to 1910.04
372–375 Two commentaries, “Elia op de Karmel” [Elijah on Carmel] and “Jezebel’s smadelijk uiteinde” [Jezabel’s humiliating end], from 1912.13
378–380 Foreword to 1911.03
411–415 Reprint of 1915.02
421–426 A text, once more preserved by Rullmann (see RKB I, p. 157), that would otherwise likely have gone missing (see description below)
428–430 Reprint of 1915.09
432–434 Reprint of 1916.15
439–442 Reprint of 1917.07
453–457 Reprint of 1918.01
459–462 Reprint of 1919.07, directed toward the youth and (according to Rullmann) likely the last item Kuyper wrote apart from his contributions to De Standaard and De Heraut

The text preserved on pages 421–426 is “Toespraak, uitgesproken op 24 November 1915, ter gelegenheid van het 25–jarig bestaan der J.-V. op G.G. “De Zaaier” te Kralingen, door een der toenmalige leden stenografisch opgenomen” [Speech, delivered on November 24, 1915, on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Young Men’s Association on Reformed Principles, “The sower” at Kralingen, stenographically recorded by one of the former members]. At the meeting Kuyper discussed the question whether, in light of the expectation of Christ’s return, it was really good to express the wish during anniversaries and festivals that organizations and institutions might celebrate another period of the same length in the future.

The third volume of Rullmann’s Kuyper-Bibliografie (covering 1891–1932; no. 121–223) had previously been published in Gereformeerd Jongelingsblad (1928–1933).