A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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“Vier uwe vierdagen.” Meditatiën.
Amsterdam/Pretoria, Boekhandel voorheen Höveker & Wormser [1904] (Zuid-Holl. Boek- en Handelsdrukkerij). VIII, 309 pp., 20cm.—unbd. ƒ1.90, bd. ƒ2.40.
Run: 5,000.
Published: March 1904.
Preface dated: December 1, 1903.
Preface, see also: 1940.03 (pp. 290–291).
Translations, see: 1910.19 and 1911.06 (partial; German); 1928.14 (English).
All pages of type enclosed in a border.
Binding: full cloth; stamped binding with the initials of Jac. Ph. Wormser (cf. 1898.16) at the bottom of the spine; decorated front cover; beveled edges; binding variants. Binding of J.H. Kok: full cloth, with a decoration on the front cover.
The title (3,508 copies) was put up for auction and acquired by J.H. Kok, Kampen, on December 12, 1907.
RKB 169.
ET: “Keep thy solemn feasts.” Meditations.

A collection of thirty-six meditations and biblical-theological articles about Christmas (9), Easter (9), Ascension Day (3), Pentecost (6), and New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day (9). The title was taken from Nahum 1:15. In the preface Kuyper briefly discusses the meaning of the celebration of major church holidays.

A similar publication had been published in four volumes in 1887/1888 (see 1887.36). This new single-volume edition comprised meditations and bible studies published in De Heraut between 1887 (no. 522, December 25, 1887) and 1900 (no. 1170, June 3, 1900).