A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Ontwerp voor het Program van Actie bij de Stembus van Juni 1897 met toelichting en bijlagen.
[S.l., s.n. 1897.] 83, [1] pp., 20cm.—ƒ0.40.
Published: March 1897.
On top of the front cover and title page: Centraal Comité van Antirevolutionaire Kiesvereenigingen.
Invitation dated: Amsterdam, March 22, 1897.
See also: 1898.23 (pp. XXV–XXVI); 1940.03 (pp. 133–134).
ET: Draft for the Program of action at the elections of June 1897 with commentary and appendices.

A draft program presented to the meeting of deputies (see 1897.05) by the Central Committee of Anti-Revolutionary Electoral Associations. The program was subsequently approved without amendment by the meeting on April 29, 1897. In addition to the invitation to the executive committees of the electoral associations to attend the meeting of deputies (pp. [3]–10), the publication also contains seven appendices. The first appendix contains a step-by-step outline of the political platform with which the Anti-Revolutionary Party was waging the electoral campaign of 1897 (pp. [11]–13). The third appendix offers commentary on the platform (pp. [16]–58). The draft was available to anyone immediately after publication and was distributed so broadly that there must have been at least 10,000 copies printed.

The attribution of authorship is subject to the same reservations as, for example, synodical reports for which Kuyper was the reporter. There was necessarily collaboration among the members of the Central Committee—just as there surely was among, for instance, the synodical deputies. But Kuyper’s dynamic way of working, his ready pen, and his commitment repeatedly made his contributions more than simply an equal share of a publication. For this reason, this publication was twice included in an extensive and regularly updated list of his publications: “Werken van Dr. Abraham Kuyper” [Works of Dr. Abraham Kuyper] in Studenten-Almanak voor het jaar 1901 van het Corps van Studenten aan de Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam onder de zinspreuk N.D.D.D. en van het Studentencorps F.Q.I. te Kampen and in Studenten-Almanak voor het jaar 1902 van het Studentencorps aan de Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam onder de zinspreuk N.D.D.D. (Amsterdam: H.A. van Bottenburg). In subsequent editions, however, this title was dropped from the list.

The Program van Actie, without commentary and with only a single appendix, is also included in Politieke en Sociale Programma’s. Bijeenverzameld door N. Oosterbaan, (Utrecht, 1897).