A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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E voto Dordraceno. Toelichting op den Heidelbergschen Catechismus. Eerste deel.
Amsterdam, J.A. Wormser 1892. [6], 493, [3] pp., 25cm.—unbd. ƒ6.-, unbd. premium copy ƒ3,-.
Published: July 1892.
Preface dated: June 1, 1892.
On top of the title page (not in the trade part of the edition): Premie-exemplaar.
Preface, see also: 1940.03 (pp. 54–56).
Volume 2–4: see 1893.03;1894.13; 1895.05.
2nd edition: see 1904.26.
Binding, see: 1893.03.
RKB 129.
ET: E voto Dordraceno. Commentary on the Heidelberg Catechism. First volume.

E voto Dordraceno (i.e., in agreement with the wish expressed at the Synod of Dordt) is the title of a four-part commentary on the Heidelberg Catechism (1563). In the preface Kuyper writes that he has derived the title from the foreign delegates’ heartfelt prayer at the Synod of Dordrecht (1618/1619) that Dutch pastors and theologians might persevere in their good confession, pass it on unhindered to subsequent generations, and preserve it from falsity until the return of Christ. The Dutch delegates solemnly pledged to do so. Kuyper thus also translated this title as “the pledge of Dordt” (cf. De Heraut, no. 702, June 7, 1891).

The commentary first appeared as a multi-year (1886–1894) series of articles in De Heraut. The articles in the first volume were reprinted from De Heraut, no. 457, September 26, 1886–no. 546, June 10, 1888. As with other such series, the weekly article series was interrupted only by biblical-theological essays during church holidays and by devotions during summer vacations.

From June to the middle of December 1891 readers of De Heraut could sign up for the four-volume set at half its normal price (the discount applied for a maximum of two copies) as a subscription premium. The first volumes of the sets received through this offer were identified by the addition of the phrase premie-exemplaar [premium copy] in the upper right-hand corner of the title page. Those who signed up for the offer were asked to add an additional ƒ0.75 to the quarterly subscription price of De Heraut for four years, in exchange for which they would receive a new volume of the commentary each July. Many were able to afford the set because of its comparatively low price and the payment plan. A note in De Heraut, no. 1003, March 14, 1897, indicates that there were 1,500 subscribers as of March 1897.

Kuyper was the owner of the edition. For the trade edition Wormser purchased its inventory from Kuyper for ƒ12 per set.

This first volume treats the first seventeen Lord’s Days of the Heidelberg Catechism. The text of the relevant section from the catechism is reprinted along with Kuyper’s commentary.