A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

You can buy a printed edition of this book on the site of the publisher.


Voor een distel een mirt. Geestelijke overdenkingen bij den heiligen Doop, het doen van belijdenis en het toegaan tot het heilig Avondmaal.
Amsterdam, J.A. Wormser [1891]. XIII, [3], 275 pp., 20cm.—unbd. ƒ1.80, bd. ƒ2.30.
Run: 2,200.
Published: December 1891.
Preface dated: Amsterdam, October 1, 1891.
Preface, see also: 1940.03 (pp. 40–41).
Translation (partial; English), see: 1934.09.
2nd edition, see: 1914.03.
Cheap edition, see: 1894.03.
Binding: full cloth; stamped and decorated front cover with gilt flower-decorations; lettered in gold on front cover and spine; decorated endpapers.
RKB 127.
ET: A myrtle for a brier. Spiritual reflections on holy baptism, the making of confession, and admittance to the Holy Supper.

A collection of forty-four devotions about the sacraments (ten devotions), baptism (ten devotions), public confession (twelve devotions), and the Lord’s Supper (twelve devotions). The title is taken from Isaiah 55:13: “Instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle.”

The four series of devotions were reprinted from De Heraut, as follows: (1) Van het heilig sacrament [About the holy sacrament], from no. 661, August 24, 1890–no. 670, October 26, 1890; (2) Van den heiligen Doop [About holy baptism], from no. 671, November 2, 1890–no. 680, January 4, 1891; (3) Van de openbare belijdenis [About public confession], from no. 681, January 11, 1891–no. 692, March 29, 1891; and (4) Van het heilig Avondmaal [About the Lord’s Supper], from no. 693, April 5, 1891–no. 696, April 26, 1891 and no. 698, May 10, 1891–no. 705, June 28, 1891. Subtitles were added to all the devotions.

Although Kuyper wrote in the foreword that he hoped that the third series in the collection would be read not after but before confirmands made their public confession, this book was for many years the traditional gift given by consistories, families, and friends to celebrate public confession. The book was reprinted more than eight times in a variety of lovely editions and cheap editions (last printing, see 1938.01).