A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: De Standaard 32 (1903), no. 9530, April 15,1903.
See also: 1940.03 (p. 285).
ET: To the meeting of the Christian laborers the gratitude of the government for the great courage, respect for law and order, and loyalty to duty and calling, of which the professors of Christ gave evidence so magnificently in their circle. Just as the government was able to count on you, the government hopes to show that the workers in the Netherlands can count on it. The Minister of the Interior, Kuyper.

Aan de vergadering van Christelijke werklieden de dank der regeering voor den hoogen moed, den eerbied voor recht en orde en de trouw aan plicht en roeping, waarvan de belijders van den Christus in hun kring zoo schitterend blijk gaven. Waar de regeering op u kon rekenen, hoopt de regeering te toonen, dat de werkmansstand in Nederland kan rekenen op haar. De Minister van Binnenlandsche Zaken. Kuyper.

Cable expressing Kuyper’s gratitude. The Combined Federations Meeting of the Christian Labor Unions, which convened in Amsterdam on Easter Monday, April 13, 1903, had sent a telegram to the prime minister complimenting the government’s enforcement of law and order during the past week of strikes. After the railway strike of January 31, 1903, a new railway strike had broken out on April 6 (the so-called “April movement”). The Second Chamber passed the antistrike laws (see 1903.04) during this second strike, which lasted a week.