A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: Kuyper-Bibliografie door J.C. Rullmann met een inleidend woord van Z.Exc. den Oud-Minister H. Colijn. Deel I (1860–1879).
’s Gravenhage, Js. Bootsma 1923, pp. 83–84, 87–88, 115–120, 157, 171–173, 181–182.
Published: December 1923.
RKB II–III, see: 1929.04; 1940.03.
RKB I–III, see also: app. 2.03, app. 2.04, app. 2.05.
The title (number of copies unknown) was acquired by J.H. Kok, Kampen, in 1928.

Rullmann’s Kuyper bibliography includes many citations from Kuyper’s works and repeatedly also prints complete texts. The first volume contains the nine theses of 1870.12 on pages 83–84 and the entire prospectus for the Bijbel-album from the cover of 1870.17 on pages 87–88. Rullmann also quotes the full “Programma der ‘Marnix-Vereeniging’” (1868.11) on pages 115–120. The bibliography, which would move increasingly in the direction of an anthology, cites already some items of interest. The introductory note to the untraceable Lijst van Psalmverzen (see 1872.13) is preserved on page 157. The dedication for the special edition of 1873.08 is printed on pages 171–173. Finally, there appears an article about the activities of Moody, Sankey, and Pearsall Smith from the Zondagsblad van De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 53, April 4, 1875, on pages 181–182.

Rullmann hardly showed interest in detailed bibliographical descriptions and data. Neither did he aim for his Kuyper-Bibliografie simply to compile as complete as possible a list of Kuyper’s publications. Rather, his main goal was to keep Kuyper’s written legacy—its meaning and its relevance—alive for older people and to unlock it for the new generation. The entire work was therefore published first in installments in periodicals. Rullmann also attempted to situate Kuyper’s work in its contemporary context; this is why he so frequently referred to secondary literature, including extracts from reviews.

The first volume (covering 1860–1879, no. 1–60) had previously been published in seventy installments in De Reformatie (1921–1923).