A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: Boäz. Maandblad der Vereeniging van Patroons, September and October 1892, p. 173.
Published: October 1892.
Dated: [September 30, 1892].
ET: To the members of the Employers’ Association, who yesterday at mealtime gave him a token of highly valued solidarity, sincere thanks from the former chairman of the Social Congress, offered with the prayer that our God and the God of our brothers, who eat their bread by the sweat of their brow, may draw employers and workers continually closer in the fear of his name and that he will continue to pour out his divine blessing upon that which has been begun alike by the Social Congress and the Employers’ Association in weakness, but with the enthusiasm of faith.

Aan de leden der Patroonsvereeniging, die hem gisteren aan den maaltijd een blijk van hooggewaardeerde sympathie gaven, biedt de gewezen voorzitter van het Sociaal Congres zijn hartelijken dank; met de bede dat onze God en de God van onze broederen, die hun brood in het zweet huns aanschijns eten, patroons en werklieden steeds inniger in de vreeze zijns naams saamverbinde en zijn Goddelijken zegen schenken blijve aan wat in zwakheid, maar met geestdrift des geloofs, èn door het Sociaal Congres èn door de Patroonsvereeniging werd ondernomen. Kuyper.

On the first day of the two-day annual meeting of the Association of Dutch Employers “Boaz” (see 1892.07), which was held in Amsterdam on September 29 and 30, 1892, its directors and members sent a telegram to Kuyper attesting to their solidarity with him and wishing him well. The next day the meeting received this word of thanks by telegram in reply.