A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: Gereformeerd Jongelingsblad 7 (1895/1896), no. 18, June 15, 1896.
See also: 1914.10 (p. 87).
ET: My hearty thanks for your friendly words. Who would have any doubts about the future so long as such a keenly brave spirit continues by God’s grace to inspire our Calvinistic youth. Long live your association!

Voor uw vriendelijk woord mijn hartelijken dank. Wie zou vertwijfelen aan de toekomst zoolang zoo kloeke dappere geest onze Calvinistische jongelingschap door Gods genade, blijft bezielen. Leve uw Bond! Kuyper.

A word of thanks sent by telegram to the participants in the eighth annual meeting of the Dutch Federation of Young Men’s Associations on Reformed Principles, which took place in Zwolle on May 14, 1896. The federation had communicated by telegram its feeling that there was a connection between Kuyper’s work in political and social fields and his nomination to receive an honorary doctor of law degree from Princeton University. The federation had also expressed its joy about his honorary doctorate, which was awarded on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Princeton University.