A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: Gedenkboek uitgegeven ter herinnering aan het 25–jarig bestaan van den Nederlandschen Bond van Jongelingsvereenigingen op Gereformeerden Grondslag 1888–1913.
[S.l.], Vereeniging “De Gereformeerde Jongelingsbond” 1914 (Kampen, J.H. Kok), pp. 53, 87, 96–97, 102–104, 106–109, 112–113, 164, 290, 386–396.
Published: June 1914.

The memorial book reprinted many items by Kuyper in several formats. “Gereformeerde Jongelingsvereenigingen” [Reformed young men’s associations] was reprinted (p. 53; pp. 96–97) from De Heraut, no. 804, May 21, 1893 (see 1893.06); “De kerk ’t eerst” [The church first] was reprinted (pp. 106–109) from no. 1047, January 16, 1898; and “Te vaag” [Too vague] (pp. 112–113) was reprinted from De Heraut, no. 1072, July 10, 1898. In the articles from 1898 Kuyper intended to clarify and settle a disagreement about basic principles between the Dutch Young Men’s Federation and the Dutch Federation of Young Men’s Associations on Reformed Principles.

A telegram (1896.09) was also reprinted (p. 87), as was a letter Kuyper sent to the Rev. J.E. Vonkenberg, thanking the chairman of the federation for the beautifully bound and inscribed book presented to him on his seventieth birthday (p. 164). The speech delivered at the federation’s ninth annual meeting (see 1897.06) was included (pp. 102–104); and in a section offering “contributions of persons interested in the task of the federation,” the work also included Kuyper’s opening line: Der Jongelingen sieraad is hun kracht [The glory of young men is their strength]. The final item (pp. 386–396) was the official speech delivered during the federation’s twenty-fifth anniversary celebration, which took the aforementioned line as its title (see 1913.08).

The memorial book was published in both a deluxe and a cheap edition (without beveled edges). The cover and the content of both editions are identical—only the quality of the full-cloth binding and the paper differs.