A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Der Jongelingen sieraad is hun kracht. Feestrede bij het Jubileum van den Bond van Gereformeerde Jongelingsvereenigingen op 30 April 1913 te ’s Gravenhage gehouden.
Kampen, J.H. Kok 1913. 24 pp., 25cm.—ƒ0.25.
Run: 3,000.
Published: May 1913.
See also: 1914.10.
RKB 196.
ET: The glory of young men is their strength. Official speech delivered for the anniversary of the Federation of Reformed Young Men’s Associations on April 30, 1913 in The Hague.

The official speech that was delivered during the twenty-fifth anniversary celebrations of the Dutch Federation of Young Men’s Associations on Reformed Principles, which took place April 30–May 2, 1913. The speech was not delivered on April 30 as the title indicates, but on May 1 (Ascension Day, the day on which annual meetings were traditionally held).

After giving a short outline of the history leading up to the formation of the federation, Kuyper turns his attention to the title of his speech, taken from Proverbs 20:29: “The glory of young men is their strength, but the beauty of the aged is their gray hair.” According to Kuyper, this “genuinely sober word of nature” finds its deepest expression in the faith, moral strength, and dedication to mission evident in the revived, muscular Calvinism of the federation. Kuyper expected the members of the federation to continue propagating their form of Calvinism across all the spheres of their communal life. He not only derived great joy and glory from the members of the federation in his old age, but also foresaw a happy and fortunate future both for the federation and for Calvinism itself.