A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: De Standaard 31 (1902), no. 9349, September 11, 1902.
ET: At the same time as I received the obituary notice of the minister for colonial affairs, I also received your friendly telegram. Please accept my heartfelt gratitude for it. May the Lord our God make “Boaz” a blessing for the fatherland. The Minister of the Interior, Kuyper.

Tegelijk met het doodsbericht van den Minister van Koloniën ontving ik uw vriendelijk telegram. Ontvang er mijn hartelijken dank voor. De Heere onze God stelle “Boäz” tot een zegen voor het vaderland. De Minister van Binnenlandsche Zaken, Kuyper.

Cable expressing gratitude to the annual meeting of the Association of Dutch Employers “Boaz” (see 1892.07), which took place on September 9, 1902 in Amsterdam. The association had sent a telegram expressing its gratitude, among other things, for Kuyper’s importance to Boaz. The minister for colonial affairs was T.A.J. van Asch van Wijck.