A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Aan het Moderamen van de Synode der Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland, gehouden te Arnhem in Augustus 1902.
In: Acta der Generale Synode van de Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland, gehouden te Arnhem, van 12 Aug. tot 5 Sept. 1902.
Leiden, D. Donner 1903, pp. 8–9.
Published: February 1903.
Dated: Schluderbach, August 11, 1902.
ET: To the board of the Synod of the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands, held in Arnhem in August 1902.

In this letter to the board of the Synod of Arnhem, Kuyper states that he can not accept the invitation to attend the synod as an advisory member. He writes that it is difficult not only for him, but also apparently for others to make a distinction between his political office and the other positions he holds. He does offer advice about an item on the synod’s agenda—namely, how to unify the Theologische School in Kampen and the theological faculty at the Vrije Universiteit.

The question of the two seminaries continued to raise much debate within the united churches. According to Kuyper, their presence still prevented complete unification. Kuyper was opposed to the discontinuation of either institution and saw a possibility arising from the 1892 agreement to form a single school overseen partly by the churches and partly by the university. He regarded the draft act for fusing the churches (see 1889.03) as a step in the right direction. Looking at the situation from the perspective of his current office, Kuyper felt that a most auspicious opportunity had now appeared for Calvinists in the Netherlands, which, if not seized upon, would probably not recur.