A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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A. Rede van ZEx. Dr. A. Kuyper, Minister van Binnenlandse Zaken, gehouden in de zitting van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal van Zaterdag 10 December 1904.B. Repliek van ZEx. Dr. A. Kuyper, in de Kamerzitting van Dinsdag 13 December 1904.
In: Van het Binnenhof I.
Wageningen, Nederbragt & Co. [1904], pp. [1]–32.
Published: December 1904.
Cover title.
On top of the cover: Bond van A.-R. P.-C. in Nederland.
Van het Binnenhof. III, see: 1905.05.
ET: A. Speech by His Ex. Dr. A. Kuyper, minister of the interior, delivered during the session of the Second Chamber of the States General on Saturday December 10, 1904.
B. Reply of His Ex. Dr. A. Kuyper, in the chamber session of Tuesday December, 13, 1904.

A brochure reprinting selections from 1904.24 (pp. 535–543) and nearly all of one of Kuyper’s replies (pp. 606–610).

Van het Binnenhof was a new series that served to disseminate propaganda for the Anti-Revolutionary Party. It was published by the Federation of Anti-Revolutionary Propaganda Clubs in the Netherlands (see 1902.06). This brochure was the first in a new series of publications about contemporary Christian politics. For contributions by Kuyper to this series, see also 1905.05.

The following discounts were available for bulk purchases intended for widespread distribution: ten copies at ƒ0.09; twenty-five copies at ƒ0.07; and fifty copies or more at ƒ0.05.