A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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A. Rede van Z.Exc. Dr. A. Kuyper, Minister van Binnenlandsche Zaken. Gehouden in de zitting van de Eerste Kamer der Staten-Generaal, op Woensdag 1 Februari 1905.B. Repliek van Z.Exc. Dr. A. Kuyper, Minister van Binnenlandsche Zaken. Gehouden in de zitting van de Eerste Kamer der Staten-Generaal, op Donderdag 2 Februari 1905.
In: Van het Binnenhof. III.
Wageningen, Nederbragt & Co. Uitgevers [1905], pp. [1]–32.
Published: February 1905.
Cover title.
On top of the cover: Bond van A.-R. P.-C. in Nederland.
Van het Binnenhof. I, see: 1904.30.
ET: A. Speech by His Excellency Dr. A. Kuyper, minister of the interior. Delivered during the session of the First Chamber of the States General on Wednesday February 1, 1905.
B. Reply by His Excellency Dr. A. Kuyper, minister of the interior. Delivered during the session of the First Chamber of the States General on Thursday February 2, 1905.

Two speeches delivered in the First Chamber on February 1–2, 1905, published in Van het Binnenhof. III. (Het Binnenhof is the seat of the Dutch Government.) On February 1, in the context of debate in the First Chamber about the 1905 national budget, Kuyper addressed numerous issues, among them the following: the cabinet and the economic struggle, the activities of the government, retirement and disability insurance, the Overijssel affair (see 1904.23), the dissolution of the First Chamber (see 1904.02), the antithesis between the modern and the anti-modern attitude to life, equalization of public and private education in the Higher Education Act and the Primary Education Act, and national unity (pp. 1–21; cf. 1905.04, pp. 262–271). The reply followed on February 2 (pp. 21–32; cf. 1905.04, pp. 285–291).

The publication of a brochure containing both speeches was announced in De Standaard, no. 10090, February 7, 1905, in an advertisement by the publisher Kirchner as no. IV in the series Christelijke Politiek (see 1903.18). However, eight days later, a nearly identical advertisement appeared in the same paper but now for the publication of Van het Binnenhof. III.—with Nederbragt as the printer, with the Federation of Anti-Revolutionary Propaganda Clubs (see 1902.06) as the publisher, and with a lower price and slightly higher bulk discounts (ƒ0.20; ten copies at ƒ0.09; twenty-five copies at ƒ0.07; and fifty copies or more at ƒ0.05).