A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

You can buy a printed edition of this book on the site of the publisher.


A. De politiek van het kabinet. (Uit de Memorie van Antwoord op Hoofdstuk I der Staatsbegroting van 1904.)B. Rede van Z. Exc. Dr. A. Kuyper, Minister van Binnenlandsche Zaken, gehouden in de zitting van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal van Vrijdag 4 December 1903.C. Repliek van Minister Kuyper, in de Kamerzitting van Zaterdag 5 December 1903.
In: Christelijke Politiek. I.
Amsterdam, W. Kirchner [1903] (Amst., De Roever Kröber & Bakels) pp. 5–51 pp.
Published: December 1903.
On top of the front cover of the trade copies: Prijs ƒ0,25.
On top of the front cover of the copies for distribution: Ter verspreiding.
At the bottom of the front cover of the copies for distribution: 10 ex. ƒ1.-; 25 ex. ƒ2.-; 50 ex. ƒ3.-; 100 ex. en meer à 5 ct. per stuk. Afzonderlijke exemplaren (op beter papier) à ƒ0.25.
2nd–9th printing published: December 1903.
10th printing, see: 1904.01.
Christelijke politiek. VII, VIII, see: 1908.14; 1909.01.
RKB 167.
ET: A. The politics of the cabinet. (From the memorandum in reply to chapter I of the national budget of 1904.)
B. Speech by His Excellency Dr. A. Kuyper, minister of the interior, delivered during the session of the Second Chamber of the States General on Friday December 4, 1903.
C. Reply by Minister Kuyper in the session of the chamber of Saturday December 5, 1903.

Three parliamentary documents published for political purposes. The first document (pp. [5]–13), which deals with the politics of the cabinet (see also 1909.29, pp. 506–520), was excerpted from a memorandum in reply published in Bijlagen van het verslag der handelingen van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal 1903–1904. Bijlage A. Staatsbegroting voor 1904. The next two documents provide the text of speeches that Kuyper delivered to the Second Chamber on December 4 and 5, 1903 (see 1903.14, pp. 650–664 and 703–706). In these speeches, Kuyper discusses issues related to the national budget, governmental policy, Christian principles, the strikes (see 1903.07), and the Social Democrats.

This brochure was the first in a new series devoted to current Christian politics. In addition to the trade edition, which was printed on high-quality paper, an edition printed on less expensive paper was published for wide distribution. For specifications concerning the successive printings, see 1904.01.