A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: De Standaard 34 (1905), no. 10307, October 21, 1905.
See also: 1906.07.
ET: With all my heart I am in the midst of the people who are celebrating. May God bless the Vrije Universiteit.

Met heel mijn hart ben ik in het midden der feestvierenden. Zegene de Heere de Vrije Universiteit. Kuyper.

A cable sent in response to a respectful telegram, drafted in French, that summed up Kuyper’s contributions to the Vrije Universiteit. The telegram was sent on behalf of the more than 1,500 attendees at the twenty-fifth anniversary celebration of the Vrije Universiteit held in the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam on October 19, 1905.

Kuyper did not attend the anniversary celebrations. Given a send-off by almost his entire outgoing cabinet, he had left by train for Bad Kissingen on August 5, 1905, thence to travel on to eastern Europe (see 1905.20) and subsequently to make a trip around the Mediterranean (see 1907.13).