A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Bijdrage tot de questie van het Volksleger.
In: De Standaard 34 (1905), no. 10326, November 13, 1905.
Dated: November 1905.
ET: Contribution to the question of the national army.

De Standaard (no. 10320, November 6, 1905) published a lead article about the minister of war’s plans to enlarge the army and to turn it into a national army. In that article a comparison was made between the Dutch army and the Romanian army. Kuyper, having been on his eastern European journey for three months (see 1905.19), sent a detailed analysis of the Romanian army as a supplement to that article. He obtained up-to-date information with the help of the Romanian general staff in Bucharest. Kuyper’s supplement was published as a lead article in De Standaard.