A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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De kerkelijke strijd in Frankrijk.
In: Wat zegt de Schrift? Gereformeerd Tijdschrift 8 (1907), no. 8/9, p. 293.
ET: The church struggle in France.

An asterism reprinted from De Standaard, 35 (1906), no. 10660, December 14, 1906. Reflecting on the French churches’ responses to the Loi de la Séparation (see 1907.06), Kuyper observes that the Roman Catholic Church “takes a higher point of view” by not agreeing to its transformation into an “association of worshippers” while the Eglise Réformée simply resigns itself to everything. “This seems practical and peaceable,” notes Kuyper, “but it shows lack of character.” His remark did not go unchallenged, prompting the exchange of views found, in French, in 1907.06 and 1907.08 and, in Dutch translation, in 1907.09 and 1907.15.