A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

You can buy a printed edition of this book on the site of the publisher.


Om de oude wereldzee. II. Het raadsel van den Islam—Het land der pharao’s—Soedan—De Hellenen—Sicilië—Het Protectoraat van Tunis—De Algerijnsche kolonie—Marokko—Spanje—Portugal.
Amsterdam, Van Holkema & Warendorf [1908]. VIII, 516 pp., ills., folding map, 30cm.—12 installments, each ƒ0.50; in two unbound parts ƒ6.-; bd. in one volume ƒ7.25; half leather binding ƒ8.-.
Published: November 1908.
Preface dated: ’s Gravenhage, October 28, 1908.
Also published in installments.
Translation (French), see: 1911.19.
Summary (English) of the 1st chapter, see: 2010.03.
Vol. 1, see: 1907.13.
Binding, see: 1907.13.
In 1918 the remaining copies were acquired by J.H. Kok, Kampen.
RKB 175.
ET: Around the Mediterranean Sea. II. The enigma of Islam—The land of the pharaohs—Sudan—The Hellenes—Sicily—The Protectorate of Tunis—The Algerian colony—Morocco—Spain—Portugal.

This second volume adds a colored fold-out map to show the course of Kuyper’s journey. The dotted line indicates where the journey was resumed (cf. 1906.05). However, as mentioned in the description to 1907.13, these volumes are not a travelogue, but a series of essays on the nations and peoples Kuyper encountered. In broad outline Kuyper describes the confrontations between the Semitic (with its Judeo-Christian and Islamic division) and the Aryan peoples. He concludes by typifying the division within the Semitic race as a confrontation between “the cross” and “the crescent,” contending that its resolution “cannot come but from the shores of the Mediterranean.” He also briefly describes his journey home, which took him through Paris, in his concluding entry of October 28, 1908 (see 1907.06).

In his Levensbericht van Dr. A. Kuyper (Leiden, 1923), Kuyper’s successor in politics H. Colijn (1869–1944) points out that Kuyper’s vision of the universal scope of Calvinist principles was repeatedly borne out in Om de oude Wereldzee: “Thus, as a natural concluding development of his basic principles, the journey to the East brought the ascending line of Kuyper’s career to a close in a dignified way.”

Purchasers of Om de oude Wereldzee I–II were offered a discounted copy of Varia Americana for ƒ0.75 (see 1899.15).