A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

You can buy a printed edition of this book on the site of the publisher.


Autour de l’ancienne mer du monde. II. Traduit du néerlandais par Léon Hebbelynck et Jules Kleyntjens.
Bruxelles, Librairie Albert Dewit 1911. IX, 618 pp., 24cm.
Run: 1,000.
Preface dated: The Hague, October.
Translation (French) of: 1908.25.
Translated by: Jules Kleyntjens.
Vol. [I], see: 1910.05.
ET: Around the Meditteranean Sea. II. Translated from the Dutch by Léon Hebbelynck and Jules Kleyntjens.

Since the first volume was so costly to publish and sales fell short of expectations, the publisher asked Kuyper for a loan to enable him to publish the second volume. They agreed that sales figures would determine how much of the loan (2,000 BEF) would be paid back to Kuyper (KA 316).

According to a footnote to the preface, Jules Kleyntjens (see 1910.05) was the translator of this second volume.