A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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[Circular letter.]
[S.l., s.n.] 1909. 29cm.
Dated: ’s Gravenhage, March 9, 1909.
Sheet printed on both sides.
Laid paper.

Circular letter to raise money for the “war fund” of the Central Committee of Anti-Revolutionary Electoral Associations (KA 238). The administrative costs of the committee were paid from this fund, but the fund also subsidized the activities of the electoral districts, when necessary. Thus, the long letter stated that for the elections of 1905 the committee had “paid out more than ƒ1,000 to Enkhuizen just to enable the fishermen of Urk to come to the ballot box.” (Urk was still an island at that time.) In light of the upcoming elections, the depleted funds had to be replenished. As interim treasurer Kuyper signed the letter himself (see also 1911.09). The post of treasurer, vacant due to the departure of Prime Minister Heemskerk, would be filled at the next meeting of deputies (see 1909.08).