A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

You can buy a printed edition of this book on the site of the publisher.


Brief aan de uitgevers.
In: Dr. Kuyper in de caricatuur. Platen van Johan Braakensiek, Albert Hahn, Louis Raemaekers, Orion, Patrick Kroon, J. Linse, Toon van Tast, Chris Kras Kzn., enz. Met een brief aan de uitgevers van Dr. A. Kuyper.
Amsterdam, Van Holkema & Warendorf 1909, pp. [5–8].
Published: April 1909.
Dated: ’s Gravenhage, April 1, 1909.
2nd printing, published: May 1909.
Next edition, see: 1936.03.
RKB 182.
ET: Letter to the publishers.

In this letter Kuyper grants the publisher permission to publish an anthology of the political cartoons with which he has been “harassed for nearly forty years.” Kuyper also offers a few remarks in passing on the nature of political cartoons. The letter was printed as a preface to the anthology ([56] pp., 30cm.). He dated his letter April 1—April Fool’s Day. Kuyper’s mannerisms and appearance made him a popular butt of political cartoonists. This edition reprinted 140 cartoons. Cartoons of a more offensive nature were not included. The collection was published on April 22, 1909—the day of the meeting of deputies (cf. 1909.08).

In the Nieuwsblad voor den Boekhandel (no. 36, May 4, 1909), the publisher announced that “the enormous print run of this album is completely sold out. The album will be reprinted. The new printing will be ready at the beginning of next week.”