A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: De Standaard 38 (1909), no. 11383, April 28, 1909.
ET: His Excellency Minister Heemskerk, The Hague. The Meeting of Deputies of the Anti-Revolutionary Party expresses to you as the prime minister its heartfelt sympathy and prays for you that God the Lord will make you a blessing for the nation and its people.

Zijne Excellentie Minister Heemskerk, Den Haag. De Deputatenvergadering der Antirevolutionaire partij, betuigt U als President-Minister haar hartelijke sympathie en bidt U toe, dat God de Heere U voor land en volk ten zegen stelle. Kuyper.

In an asterism entitled “Te onpas” [Ill-timed] (De Standaard, no. 11382, April 27, 1909), Kuyper stated that it was formally against the rules to send Prime Minister Heemskerk a telegram, as one of the deputies at the meeting (see 1909.08) had proposed. Since a refusal by the chairman (Kuyper) to honor the proposal might have given rise to speculation, Kuyper sent the telegram in any case.