A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Encyclopaedie der heilige godgeleerdheid. Tweede deel. Algemeen deel.
Tweede, herziene druk.
Kampen, J.H. Kok 1909 (Arnhem, G.J. Thieme) VI, [2], 640 pp.—3 vols. unbd. ƒ16.75, bd. ƒ21.25.
Run: 1,500.
Published: June 1909.
Preface dated: Amsterdam, May 1, 1894.
Vol. 1, 3, see: 1908.23; 1909.26.
2nd edition of: 1894.11.
Binding, see: 1908.23.
(RKB 132.)
ET: Encyclopedia of sacred theology. Volume two. General volume.

Some corrections and improvements were also made during the revision of the second volume (cf. 1908.23).